Saturday, June 12, 2010

What a ride!

Ok, I am 50 today! So what! I'm still a rock star, I got my rock moves!! It's just a number right? I thought it would bother me, but, I really do not have time for that. Del's Groove is super busy the next few months, lot's of songs to learn, keeping me busy. Complaining, NO WAY! How blessed am I to be able to still kick it out with not only my band, but the best bunch of guys in the whole world.
Some of you remember the days of The Finest, my band I ran for 13 or so years, along with my old pal Rodger. As I reflect, I remember all those nights like they were yesterday. Working full time at the hardware store, going home, my awesome mom having dinner ready for me so I could eat, take a nap and turn into my alter-ego Sue the singer as some would call me. Gigging at the Columbus Club, after hours, coming out and dawn beginning to crack and jump into bed and catch a half hour sleep (nap) and going back to the hardware store to the sounds of the pain shaker wanting to put my head in there..I was so tired. Then there were the days of working 6 nights a week at what was then called Ricchetti's, now the Springfield Inn on Baltimore pk. Yea, those were the days...Sadly enough, I remember being told by our booking agent, "you can't have more than one black guy in your band, I mean WTF! I never heard anything like that! My reply was "I will have whomever I want in my band" and I did. You know what...we worked...alot. So unaware of racism, and once it was pointed out to me that it existed, that was all I saw around me. Still today, who could believe, how sad. being color blinded should be a 7th sense. That's all I have to say on that matter.
It did not start out with The Finest, it started back when my aunt's neighbor Steve, who I was recently re-connected with heard I sang and asked if I would like to try out for his rock band called Thin Ice. Another great ride, I cannot remember how long that was for, after all, I am 50 now and the memory is a little shot. We played little bars, then we hit the big and worked at Central Park in Wayne, anyone remember that place? Big ass stage, it was like the Spectrum to me, (anyone remember that place?) haha., that was the band I left Thin Ice for, ahhhhhhhh, my first Wedding band...out of NJ. I remember my first gig with them, and being told I had to emcee. It was a polish many syllables! Thankfully, the m-o-b, (mother of the bride) helped my spell out the names phonetically, and that was the beginning for my days as the "wedding Singer"
New Society Orchestra, or NSO, that was a short ride, but, one that will remain special in my heart. Sal was the bandleader. Unfortunately, he passed and I never got to play with him, as he was fighting, and I mean he fought, John ran the band, NSO passed with Sal. After that, I filled in here and there...then joining Grooveplace, yet another great bunch of guys, really great....but nothing is better than where I am now: Del's Groove ;)
So, here I sit, with my unopened AARP envelope I placed below the pile of mail, reflecting. SO happy to be here, happy to be healthy, paying the bills on time and can say I have enjoyed this ride and will continue to be the best I can be. Thanks Mom for all the cranky times when I was tired and all the times you came out and danced your ass off, and just taking care of me period. Thank you ALL my friends who still to this day support me by coming out when we play an open to the public gig, and rearrange your schedules to meet mine to just hang out. 50, no biggie, no party, no fuss, you ALL have made a fuss all these years, and I thank you! So what now? Well, I am going to enjoy my coffee, watch something OnDemand, and get ready for the gig later on today....Life doesn't get any better than me! oxoxoxo


  1. I'm enjoying your blog, Sue!
    Thanks for putting up with my boy in the car. You're so good to the guys.

    When did you work at Ricchetti's?

  2. Carole, If it was not for Alex, I would get lost all the time! Thanks for reading my blog too! The Finest played there in the early 90's for about ten years...See you soon!
